Contact the Secretary for all enquiries
Application for membership
DownloadWingerworth Allotment Cooperative Society Ltd
To contact the Society, please either email or write to the Secretary:
The Secretary
Wingerworth Allotment Cooperative Society Ltd
Watson Lane
New Members
If you are considering applying for membership of the Society and to rent a plot, please read the Society's New Members Policy and the Model Rules especially the residential criterion. A copy of the application form can be download.
Facebook groups
We have three Facebook pages:
We have three Facebook pages:
1. A
strictly private, members only Facebook group #wingerworthallotments.
It has proved a quick way of contacting members and sharing
information. We would encourage all to sign up.
A publicity Facebook page #wingerworthallotmentcooperativesociety.
This has been set up to fulfil our grants criteria which will update
on progress with work related to awards.
It is not possible to join this page.
3 A private, members only Facebook group #Communityplot. This is for
those involved with the Community Plot.